Health Partners New England is now TaraVista HealthPartners. We are located at 30 Monument Square, Suite 101, Concord, MA 01742.

Unit Management

For 15 years we have helped hospitals improve their financial performance through multi-year contracts to manage their psychiatric and substance abuse child, adult and geriatric inpatient services and outpatient departments. Hospitals elect this service to accomplish significant operational changes to increase census, reduce costs per patient day, improve unit-based management, and to improve clinical performance and regulatory compliance.

Our management services always begin with a careful assessment of current functioning including all that works well on the service. We recognize that it is relatively easy to find flaws in any service while missing the good stuff. Because we run things ourselves we know there can be many challenges and that day-to-day issues can sometimes drown out important longer-term initiatives. We are good at finding a balance between preserving what is good with respectful change necessary to make improvements. We have preserved all leadership positions and personnel in some new contracts and we have created all-new teams in others.


We do not come to any new engagement with preset formulas for change other than the following:

  • Good Patient care guides our thinking and interventions

  • Financial performance must support all clinical operations

  • Individual people or positions are neither sacred nor damned

All management contracts include assessments of clinical operations with an eye to regulatory compliance, organizational structures and reporting relationships, known benchmarks including nursing hours per patient day and clinical caseloads, patient care authorization, billing and receipts, intake assessment process, CQI projects, MD peer review structures, and patient and referral source satisfaction. We then collate these data and create a business plan that guides future management and leadership activities.

And, most importantly, we produce results: Higher census, better collections, lower costs per day of care, measurably better quality.

What Our Partners Say

Dr. Krupa and TaraVista HealthPartners have provided effective service, in both consultative and management roles, over the past five years for me at two community hospital mental health programs.

- Robert E. Smanik, FACHE, President & CEO, Day Kimball Hospital

I have had the pleasure to work with Dr. Krupa  through Health Partners New England (now TaraVista HealthPartners) at three different hospitals. Dr. Krupa's expertise in the management of behavioral health services is unsurpassed.

- Kathy Schuler MS, RN, CNA, Vice President, Patient Care/CNO, Winchester Hospital

TaraVista HealthPartner's research and recommendations have translated into successful operational growth strategies for Memorial Hermann.

- Matt Feehery, CEO, Memorial Hermann Prevention & Recovery Center, Behavioral Health Services

Dr. Krupa and his staff worked tirelessly with LRGHealthcare staff to develop the program and open the Senior Psychiatric Unit on schedule in October 2005.

- Ellen Wolf, RN, MS, Vice President Patient Care and Surgical Services, LRGHealthcare

Dr. Krupa and his TaraVista HealthPartners team have consistently provided steady leadership to deliver care that is both cost effective and focused on quality.  Our longstanding partnership, over 20 years, is demonstrative of the personal attention that Michael gives to each of his clients.

- Mark L. Goldstein, President, Anna Jaques Hospital

We’re Here to Care

Behavioral health services are essential for health care organizations, hospitals and community agencies to offer in today's post pandemic environment. TaraVista HealthPartners can help strengthen existing programs and create new capacity to meet the needs of your patients and the communities that rely on you for integrated comprehensive care.
